Flying Swords of Dragon Gate picks up three years after the infamous Dragon Inn was burnt down in the desert when its innkeeper Jade vanished. A new...
The story of Wilson Bond, a pimp who after saving Chan, the leader of the Heaven and Earth society, a revolutionary group, is made a member. After a...
Can a hero with no combat abilities still save the empire? Wei Xiao Bao (Han Dong) is the most unlikely hero as the sly but witty son of a prostitute...
The Imperial Qing Empire falls, officially ending the era of Emperors. Three palace eunuchs Lee Siu Kung, Dan Tin, and Chan Siu Fung are expelled and...
"The Confidant" depicts how a group of eunuchs survive in the weakening Qing empire, and closely traces imperial eunuch Li Lianying's early life from...
Set during the 14th year of Chenghua Emperor's reign, Tang Fan, a sixth rank official and Sui Zhou, an embroidered uniform guard, join hands to crush...