In Glasgow, Scotland, while a mysterious pandemic begins to spread around the world, Susan, a brilliant epidemiologist, falls in love with Michael, a...
A young drifter working on a river barge disrupts his employers' lives while hiding the fact that he knows more about a dead woman found in the river...
Ronnie, Wal, Andy and Vic are four bored, unemployed teens in dreary, rainy Glasgow. Ronnie comes up with a great idea. He has noticed that stainless...
The strange comedy film of two close brothers; one, Wilbur, who wants to kill himself, and the other, Harbour, who tries to prevent this. When their...
In a future world where the disease has been finally defeated and everything can be sold, even the crude spectacle of death, the rare case of a dying...
Radio host Alan 'Dickie' Bird witnesses how an icecream van is attacked and destroyed by angry competitors. This leads him into the struggle between...
After decades of laboring as a Glasgow shipbuilder, Frank Redmond, a no-nonsense 55-year-old working-class man, suddenly finds himself laid off. For...
Happy couple Dan and Emily live in a huge house just outside Glasgow and want for nothing, save a baby of their own. Through a chance encounter they...
BBC comedy series about Rab C. Nesbitt, a drunken, string vested layabout who lives with his long suffering wife Mary and his two sons in the working...
Clare, a neurotic American, moves to Glasgow and starts a book group to meet new, interesting people. But Kenny, Dirka, Rab, Fist and Janice are more...