The South African multi-award winning film about a young South African boy from the ghetto named Tsotsi, meaning Gangster. Tsotsi, who left home as a...
Four young friends, en route to the coast for a weekend of surfing and fun are forced to seek help from a strange recluse when their car breaks down....
Based on Sax Rohmer's cult novels "Sumuru", the futuristic fantasy take you to an Earth colony in the far future in which woman rule and men are used...
In the back country of South Africa, black minister Stephen Kumalo journeys to the city to search for his missing son, only to find his people living...
Based on South African Tokolosh myths & legends. The Tokolosh is believed to be a dwarf like creature that has been killing people since 1838. Set in...
South Africa, July 11th, 1963. Several members of the African National Congress, an organization declared illegal, are arrested in Rivonia, a country...
7de Laan is an extraordinary microcosm where good and bad, evil and wholesome characters find themselves forming part of a wholesome community where...