Bill Bartell was a multifaceted individual who traversed the punk rock scene, law enforcement, rodeo riding, and country music. Known for his unique...
This documentary on rock 'n' roll groupies, including the infamous Plaster Casters, features performances (musical) by such bands as Ten Years After,...
BURN GENTLY is an exploration into the ins and outs of the music industry, its growth, pressures, expectations and its hardships, through the lens of...
An comprehensive look at the life and music of Mark Linkous, a influential figure in the alternative music scene. Critically-acclaimed Linkous had a...
NARC. Mini-Doc – Outside The Mainstream: The North East’s Alternative SceneHD
IMDb: 0
The final episode in our Mini-Docs series comes from musician and writer Jake Anderson, who explores the niche music genres which find an increasing...