Following a plane crash a group of schoolboys find themselves on a deserted island. They appoint a leader and attempt to create an organized society...
A group of people come up with provocative or downright nasty sexual scenarios like rape, bestiality, tree branch masturbation, candle masturbation,...
Mysterious and unearthly deaths start to occur while Professor Saxton is transporting the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature he found in...
Two young horse traders guide a Mormon wagon train to the San Juan Valley and encounter rugged terrain, the cutthroat Clegg gang, hospitable Navajo,...
Like many happy people, Bruno Hamel is leading an uneventful life until one afternoon, when his daughter is raped and murdered. When the murderer is...
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he...