In the 1940s, Malays were world-renowned for their seafaring skills. Being of Bugis descent, they navigated the sea with natural ease and were often...
In colonial Malaysia, British big game-hunter Otto Abbot and American trapper Harry Stanton clash over the ethics of catching versus killing animals...
Five young fun loving travelers are documenting their travels from New York to Malaysia on the journey of a lifetime exploring many of the wonderful...
Mrs. Chew and her three daughters run a small but flourishing restaurant. Most of the customers come for the house specialty: Homemade Curry - cooked...
On 9th of November 1983 two Australians, Kevin Barlow and Geoff Chambers were arrested at Penang Airport in Malaysia carrying 179 grams of Heroin. A...
Discover the diverse and delicious flavors of Malaysian cuisine with Jessica Liu and Juliana Ng. Each episode highlights a popular Malaysian dish and...