Against the tranquil backdrop of a game reserve, South African thriller Night Drive tracks a group of tourists left stranded during a night-time game...
In the early to mid '90s, when the South African system of apartheid was in its death throes, four photographers - Greg Marinovich, Kevin Carter, Ken...
In this competition show, a group of couch investigators are challenged to solve a fictional murder every day. The contestant who has solved the most...
Meet Cape Town's most charismatic drag queens in this eye opening reality series. A jaw-dropping introduction to a world of extreme transformations,...
The Greyling siblings reunite at their family home in the Namaqualand desert in the Northern Cape after one of them reneges on a decade-long deal to...
This series explores the facts and investigates the truth behind the British Redcoat Army's campaign in Zululand during 1879. The war was started by...