Pierre Perdrix has been enjoying an enchanted though restless existence since the enigmatic Juliette Webb burst into his life. a stranger who landed...
Hu Guan-yu is passionate about table tennis. He trains with his best friend Huang Xuan, hoping to make the Olympic national team. When a new coach...
Frank Bing is a big artist in the USA and arrives home in his native Sweden with his secretary Ada. The portier at the hotel has great difficulties...
The story of a real life upcoming national champion of Table tennis, Connor Green. Talking about his journey and his family along the way.
Table tennis ball escapes a game of table tennis and then explores.
Experimental short.
Makoto 'Smile' Tsukimoto and his friend Yutaka 'Peco' Hoshino have been playing table tennis together since they were kids, but as they enter high...
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