Ne baš bistri momak Joe zamrznut je i probudi se 2505. te otkrije kako je sada najpametniji čovjek na Zemlji. Nije mu se povećao IQ,...
Kenai finds his childhood human friend Nita and the two embark on a journey to burn the amulet he gave to her before he was a bear, much to Koda's...
Svemirski brod “Starship Avalon” na svojem je 120-godišnjem putu prema udaljenom kolonijalnom planetu poznatom kao...
Smrznuto tijelo Paula Fourniera otkriveno je na Grenlandu gdje je nestao u znanstvenoj ekspediciji 1905. godine. Sada su šezdesete, tijelo je...
Barney just wants to hibernate for the winter, but his nephew, just in from the North Pole, has other plans.
Barney Bear is forced to give hibernation lodgings in his home to his neighbor Jimmy Squirrel, who makes it impossible to get any sleep.
A newly married bear couple will have to fight time and distance with love when hibernation tries to separate them.
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