Pripadnici skupine elitnih ratnika uviđaju da su dovedeni na strani planet... da bi bili lovina. Oni su hladnokrvni ubojice i ljudski predatori...
Dutch Schaefer predvodnik je elitne skupine komandosa, specijalizirane za spašavanje vojnih zatočenika. Nova misija njegovu skupinu...
Dječak (Jacob Tremblay) donosi izvanzemaljska stvorenja na zemlju kada nađe daljinski upravljač svemirskog broda, za koji misli da je...
Kada se izviđački brod Predatora sruši u Coloradu, Alieni koji su u njemu bili ukrcani pobjegnu i pobiju sve Predatore osim jednog....
Godina je 1997. i čudovišno biće iz svemira ponovno se pojavljuje i širi užas, ovaj put na ulicama Los Angelesa....
Na brzinu skupljena filmska ekipa krenula je Amazonom u potrazi za izgubljenim plemenom. Redateljica Terri Florez (Jennifer Lopez) pokušava...
Fourteen-year–old Megan and her best friend Amy spend a lot of time on the internet, posting videos of themselves and chatting with guys...
Krvava orhideja je rijedak cvijet koji krije tajnu vječnog života i nosi bogatstvo farmaceutskoj tvrtki koja ga prva otkrije. Pod vodstvom...
Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what...
U doba kada su Vikinzi dominirali svijetom, čovjek s daleke druge planete, Kainan (Caviezel), ruši se letjelicom na Zemlju donoseći...
A genetically created Anaconda, cut in half, regenerates itself into two new aggressive giant snakes, due to the Blood Orchid.
Sandy and Greg are teenagers who go camping, despite warnings not to, with their friends. They soon encounter aliens, who are using the area as a...
Otkrivanje drevne piramide pokopane pod ledom Antarktike dovodi tim znanstvenika i avanturista na smrznuti kontinent. Jednom tamo, oni još...
When plans for a weekend vacation hit a dead end, a group of close-knit friends find themselves stranded in unfamiliar territory, pursued by a...
After a plane crash, Saï, a capuchin monkey born and raised in captivity, finds himself alone and lost in the wilderness of the Amazon jungle.
A lady uses her maid to lick her stamps, when an overtly excited man notices the maid, forcibly kisses her, and they wind up stuck to each other.
After a mysterious disease begins transforming people into vampires, Dr. Luther Swann is pitted against his best friend, now a powerful vampire...
This major landmark series looks in detail at the fascinating relationship between predators and their prey. Rather than concentrating on ‘the...
The Earth, our planet, is a magnificent and diverse world, filled to the brim with life. But life, in all its forms, cannot exist except within a...
A teetering police force goes on a wild pursuit of a vicious and brutal killer of women who is gripping a state.
It’s not just humans who mess up. The lion and the cheetah are the most graceful and deadly predators on Earth— but that doesn’t...
Long before humans evolved, our planet was home to some of the most vicious predators ever to have lived. Step back in time to one of the most...
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