Despite mixed emotions, Frederick Winterbourne tries to figure out the bright and bubbly Daisy Miller, only to be helped and hindered by false...
Special agent Mott McCampbell has a mission, escorting a Japanese dignitary from JFK airport to the United Nations. A gang of stewardesses has a...
Set in the dense forests of 1940s Eastern Europe, this story reveals the supernatural encounters that challenge three soldiers' understanding of life...
Hebe, in her journey from childhood to adulthood, finds herself compelled to explore the boundaries of the real and the illusory through her...
In the short film 'Jennifer', filmmaker Stewart Copeland explores his relationship with his mother through a recorded conversation between...
A 23-year-old revisits the family car he grew up with to experience the thrill of childhood again...
Wainy Days is an internet video series starring David Wain that is hosted on the website, My Damn Channel. The web series follows a fictionalized...
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