Tommy Fawkes wants to be a successful comedian. After his Las Vegas debut is a failure, he returns to Blackpool where his father—also a...
Harry Hill embarks on a road trip to Blackpool with his Nan when he discovers that his hamster only has one week to live.
A young, bare-knuckle boxer Craig moves from Blackpool to London, where he falls for a twenty-something music producer, Matt. Trouble ensues when...
A group of South Asian women try but cannot escape their problems on a day trip to a British beach resort.
A story set in the north English seaside town of Blackpool and centered on two kindred spirits who form an unlikely friendship.
Set on Blackpool’s Golden Mile, Jim (Douglass Montgomery), a once promising scientist, sets up in business as a patent medicine man selling...
The best of the action from over 30 years of FA Cup finals at Wembley Stadium.
Lively holiday in Blackpool, with jazz accompaniment.
Documentary featuring a cavalcade of Northern comedy stars including the great Frank Randle, George Formby, Arthur Askey, Norman Evans and many more....
This captivating early film - by an unknown filmmaker - offers a glimpse of glorious Blackpool and the many delights it offers holidaymakers.
A colourful miscellany of footage from both sides of the Pennines.
Rides, boxing booths, and a dog-faced monkey keep on moving as the travelling fair hits Mitcham and Stratford-upon-Avon, with a look in at Blackpool.
An enterprising family make the most of, not one, but eight seaside beaches dotted around the north of England, all in one summer.
Ripley Holden is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art amusement arcade. The opening extravaganza is...
Filmed on location in 1997 at Blackpool Pleasure Beach, the show was a six-part BBC documentary, which followed the day-to-day running of the park....
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