A young office worker turns into an insect. As an insect, he enters the orifices of his enemies and possesses them, allowing him to enact his revenge...
Popular idol duo Shinji and Shigeru. He retired from the entertainment industry after an injury incident five years ago. A few years later, Shigeru,...
The chairman of the yakuza who only feels lust for beautiful boys with tattoos. Two boys are kept there like toys. The boys' backs are soon tattooed...
Haruto and Aoyama, once a couple, are now completely without contact. As Aoyama's secrets are gradually revealed, Haruto, now the shop manager of an...
Overcoming many obstacles, Haruto and Aoyama have finally become an item. They affirm their love for each other and agree to leave for faraway lands,...
Natsuo, a new gay detective, has his first experience with Koide, but he secretly has feelings for Kirino, a senior detective. One late night, Natsuo...
An 18-year-old boy who came from the countryside to attend school. The person he was introduced to to share a room with by a real estate agent was a...
A gay couple is on good terms with each other. They run a shot bar together and are enjoying their love. Their father was also once a lover, and they...