During the 1970s a student named Gilles gets entangled in contemporary political turmoils although he would rather just be a creative artist. While...
As the Communist Party of China celebrates its 100th anniversary, this documentary looks back at the party’s history, from the 1920’s, to...
Born in Austria in 1903, Jacob Rosenfeld was imprisoned in Dachau. He manages to flee and takes refuge in Shanghai, like 30,000 other people. He...
Red Guards were a student movement supported by Mao Zedong in 1966-67 during the Cultural Revolution. A group of students at Qinghua University who...
Swimming, Dancing examines audiovisual representations of the Yangtze (1934–present), from silent film to video art to the contemporary vlog....
Short film directed by Walter Knoop
Mao Zedong was not only a revolutionary leader and thinker, he was also a poet. In poems written in the classic calligraphic tradition he expresses...
My childhood memories carry two important symbols, a large magnet that I pulled around behind me and a dead friend.
Aksè gratis san limit, Rechèch pou anyen Pa gen Ajoute, Dè milyon de tit e ajoute chak jou, Tout tribin ak Fully optimisé, Nenpòt kote ak nenpòt ki lè