In 1960, a team of Israeli secret agents is deployed to find Adolf Eichmann, the infamous Nazi architect of the Holocaust, supposedly hidden in...
The antihero "Mr. Karl" tells a "young person", the viewer, his life story while he sits at work in the warehouse of a delicatessen. The narrator...
At the end of World War II, a French pacifist is arrested for refusing to fight. In prison, he befriends a German priest arrested for murder of a...
After World War II, many young French women became housewives, convinced that devoting themselves entirely to caring for their families was a noble...
Four sisters, each with their different characters, embark on their separate roads to romance. Elder sister has vast experience of romance; second...
Post-war Germany 1945: Two rival gangs of uprooted boys fight each other in the ruins of Berlin, whose business is the black market out of necessity...
It is an unknown chapter of the German post-war history: On April 23rd, 1949, the kingdom of the Netherlands occupied German soil as a pledge for...
During the anti-Japanese war, truck driver Lee Sing's secret mission is to transport weapons and supplies for the resistance fighters. Sing has to...
Post-war Germany in 1946 while people are struggling to make ends meet, the film follows Hermann, a war veteran who finds employment at a train...
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