The quixotic journey of Nam June Paik, one of the most famous Asian artists of the 20th century, who revolutionized the use of technology as an...
CGI collage short film originally premiered as part of the 'Extinction Renaissance' exhibition at the Loyal Gallery in Stockholm.
Although Gainsbourg and Birkin had appeared in a string of films since their magnetic collision in Pierre Grimblat’s Slogan, Melody was a bit...
In his book "1984", George Orwell saw the television of the future as a control instrument in the hands of Big Brother. Right at the start of the...
Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, "Swim Little Fish Swim" is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.
An experimental film comprised of Stanley Kubrick's THE SHINING played forwards and backwards at the same time on the same screen, creating bizarre...
Expansion remixes the images of Matsumoto’s Esctasis into an more colourful psychedelic short.
Fellow violinist and artist Tony Conrad, in collaboration with software engineer Tom Demeyer, made for Steina the instrument seen in this title....
Mireia has just come out of a toxic relationship that prevents her from enduring physical contact when she is offered the lead role of "Sleeping...
A compilation of avant-garde artwork and talent of the mid to late 20th century hosted by Ryuichi Sakamoto.
Moving through its five parts, the work describes a cycle of birth through to death, depicting both an eternal, universal Mary, and an earthly Mary...
Shows a couple (Adam and Eve) and various objects, simultaneously, in time, space and movement.
The video opens with a barrage of explosive imagery along with an audio track of a siren taken from the 1970s TV show Wonder Woman. The following...
In the nearby future, the Gulf stream may certainly collapse in itself as the percentage of saltwater and sweet water in the oceans is changing...
A young, wannabe streetwear influencer dying to make an impact on the world gets a lot more than he bargained for when a shy but obsessive fan...
Aksè gratis san limit, Rechèch pou anyen Pa gen Ajoute, Dè milyon de tit e ajoute chak jou, Tout tribin ak Fully optimisé, Nenpòt kote ak nenpòt ki lè