In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he...
Created for the "Esso World Theater" series of films in 1964, it features excerpts from "Bugaku," "Gagaku," "Noh, " and "Kabuki" scenes performed by...
Kabuki is a world-class theater with a history of over 400 years, but is also exciting entertainment. What is the secret of its enduring attraction?...
In the world of Kabuki, where family social standings are highly valued, Kyonosuke Kawamura is inept even though he is born as the son of a duke of a...
Chushingura Rhapsody No. 5: Nakamura Nakazo - Shusse no KizahashiHD
IMDb: 0
The orphan Nakazo becomes a pupil of kabuki actor Denkuro and attracts the attention of the great star Koshiro. However, in order to help his ailing...
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