Narrated by Dan Aykroyd, Defend, Conserve, Protect, pits the marine conservation group, Sea Shepherd, against the Japanese whaling fleet, in an epic...
Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are crewing a whaling ship. Their mishaps include Donald fighting off some hungry birds, Mickey and a bucket of water that...
Examine the American whaling industry from its 17th-century origins in drift and shore whaling off the coast of New England and Cape Cod, through the...
A documentary on Paul Watson, who takes the law into his own hands on the open seas, confronting, by any nonviolent means necessary, the hunters who...
Pictures made from an 1800-foot panorama painted in 1848 and authentic songs of the period sung and played by Peggy Seeger and Ewan MacCall are used...
Ingyenes teljes film magyarul, Bármi keresése Nincs hirdetés, Több millió cím és minden nap hozzáadva, Minden platform és teljesen optimalizált, Bárhol és bármikor