Construction worker Douglas Quaid's obsession with the planet Mars leads him to visit Recall, a company that manufactures memories. When his memory...
Pekerja pabrik, Doug Quaid, melakukan liburan virtual bersama perusahaan Rekall, memilih untuk menanamkan kenangan sebagai mata-mata. Ketika...
A world of the very near future in which cattle, fish, and even the family pet can be cloned. But cloning humans is illegal - that is until family...
Di masa depan, Cameron Turner didiagnosa mengidap penyakit fatal. Ditawari solusi alternatif agar istri dan anaknya tak berduka, ia harus bergumul...
Just when he's beginning to take his perfect life and marriage for granted, John (Timothy Hutton) discovers that he's the result of a failed...
The lastest neuroscience discoveries show surprising results: false memories, distortion, modification, déjà vus. Our memory is...
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