In this modern telling of the classic tale, aspiring singer Katie Gibbs falls for the new boy at her performing arts high school. But Katie's wicked...
Set against the backdrop of a beautiful garden in the heart of London, this contemporary fairy tale revolves around the unlikely friendship between a...
Young businesswoman Elyse Samford's life takes a turn when she inherits Samford Candy, a multi-billion dollar corporation, from her retired father. A...
Entrapped by a fractured mental state, A heartbroken young woman is greeted by the presence of something sinister in her mirror. Encased desires and...
A modern take on the famous folk tale, Bawang Merah-Bawang Putih (Shallots & Garlic). Alya (Bawang Putih) and Siska (Bawang Merah) are neighbors who...
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