When foreman Frank shows new employee Freddy a secret military experiment in a supply warehouse in Louisville, Kentucky, the two klutzes accidentally...
A young paramedic is paired with a seasoned partner on the night shift in New York revealing a city in crisis. Discovering the chaos firsthand, he is...
Nick Malloy portrays an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) who finds himself caught in a deadly 12-round game of cat and mouse with a vigilante tied...
Oleg is a young gifted paramedic. His wife Katya works as a nurse at the hospital emergency department. She loves Oleg, but is fed up with him caring...
Failed musician Kyle Cassidy is in love with Nikki Duke, the charismatic wife of an abusive rock star who's away on tour. After a wild evening at the...
A Centron Film presentation, produced by Gordon-Kerchoff, this color film is about a teenage girl who overdoses on alcohol and pills, and winds up in...
An edge-of-your-seat view into the lives of everyday heroes committed to one of America's noblest professions. For the firefighters, rescue squad and...
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