A young woman named Cindy returns to her family home after the death of her father and soon realizes that the house holds a terrible secret that puts...
After being released from prison, a brooding man with a dark past is forced to stay in a haunted house to clear it of spirits. If he leaves, he goes...
An adaptation of the novel "Girl in the Dark" by suspense writer Zhou Haohui: Li Xiaoqiong (played by Hu Jieqiong) and her boyfriend Guo Jun (played...
Every small town has a haunted house located within its borders. If not haunted by things unseen and unknown, then a place borne of violent tragedy....
An 11-year-old boy Pinaki, raised by a family of Bhoots (ghosts) within the four walls of a mansion, decides to step out for the first time into the...
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