"Vlada Goes to London" is a short student film exploring the strong-willed Vlada on her night shift as a pizza delivery girl in her desperate attempt...
Two rival record collectors attempt to con an old lady out of a rare but cursed 1930s blues record. When a series of unfortunate circumstances lands...
Joca, a 21-year-old, hosts a gathering with friends at his home. As a vinyl enthusiast, he showcases his collection and plays one of the records. His...
Finding the Funk is a road trip in search of the past, present and future of Funk music. Starting with Funk's roots in Jazz and the James Brown bands...
Akses Gratis Tanpa Batas, Cari apa pun Tanpa Iklan, Jutaan judul dan ditambahkan setiap hari, Semua platform dan Dioptimalkan Sepenuhnya, Dimanapun dan kapanpun