After young playwright, David Shayne obtains funding for his play from gangster Nick Valenti, Nick's girlfriend Olive miraculously lands the role of...
It's five years later and Tony Manero's Saturday Night Fever is still burning. Now he's strutting toward his biggest challenger yet - making it as a...
As beloved Broadway star Lillian Hall pours her heart, soul, and time into preparing for her next big role, she finds herself blindsided by confusion...
This six part documentary miniseries presents the evolution of the Broadway musical from its inception in 1893 to current day 2004. It presents those...
Jacob Gordon can't catch a break. A struggling actor with a personal life to match. His epic streak of bad luck just might change when he's cast in a...
The Pride of Broadway: Backstage at 'The Lion King' with Jelani RemyHD
IMDb: 10
We just can't wait! Talented Disney veteran Jelani Remy, who currently appears as Simba in The Lion King, will lead's new vlog, Pride of...
Queen of New York: Backstage at 'King Kong' with Christiani PittsHD
IMDb: 7.5
Newcomer Christiani Pitts, who is currently thrilling audiences as Ann Darrow in King Kong, will lead's latest vlog, Queen of New York,...
What's Gonna Happen: Backstage at 'Tootsie' with Sarah StilesHD
IMDb: 7.5
Sarah Stiles, the multi-talented Tony nominee who is currently delighting audiences as Sandy Lester in Tootsie, has signed on to lead's...
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