Short documentary about artist Keith Haring, detailing his involvement in the New York City graffiti subculture, his opening of the Pop Shop, and the...
An experimental meditation on Times Square's marquees and iconic advertising that captures the concurrently seedy and dazzling aspects of New York's...
Soup Cans and Superstars: How Pop Art Changed the WorldHD
IMDb: 8
Alastair Sooke champions pop art as one of the most important art forms of the twentieth century, peeling back pop's frothy, ironic surface to reveal...
Ókeypis ótakmarkaður aðgangur, Leitaðu að neinu Engar auglýsingar, Milljónir titla og bætt við á hverjum degi, Allir pallar og fullkomlega bjartsýnir, Hvar sem er og hvenær sem er