The movie tells the story of UMA, played by Alexandra Braun, who lives in Italy and meets a writer, interpreted by the also Venezuelan actor Orlando...
In 1952, an Inuit hunter named Tivii with tuberculosis leaves his northern home and family to go recuperate at a sanatorium in Quebec City. Uprooted,...
Tetsuo Togami is in the 2nd grade of high school. Due to a fight, he is hospitalized. There, he meets Maiko Takashiro. She has an incurable disease....
Three girls meet by chance in a hospital. Struggling to come to terms with their fate, they all look back on a decisive moment in their life: Sara, a...
Living with OCD, Anna has an organized routine. This balance breaks when her sister forgets a piece of instrument. To bring it back, Anna has to face...
Maya, a film star, a diva, has reached a personal deadlock in life. She has seen it all done it all but a black hole of emptiness engulfs her entire...
The Healing Garden, a secret world that has provided treatment to heal the Earth, is under attack by the Byougenzu, who plan to infect Earth with an...
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