Jack London's classic adventure story about the friendship developed between a Yukon gold hunter and the mixed dog-wolf he rescues from the hands of...
Yukon Territory, Canada, November 1931. Albert Johnson, a trapper who lives alone in the mountains, buys a dog almost dead after a brutal dogfight, a...
Sequel to Lucio Fulci's first 'White Fang' has the wolf-dog once again trying to stop the villainous Beauty Smith from claiming a recently discovered...
A snowy scene; Daisy would like a fur coat, so Donald filches a baby bear from its sleeping mother. But the mother awakens and tracks Donald (and her...
A family film about Nikki, a half-wolf, half-dog raised in the Yukon during the gold rush era. After being separated from her master, Nikki must fend...
Ókeypis ótakmarkaður aðgangur, Leitaðu að neinu Engar auglýsingar, Milljónir titla og bætt við á hverjum degi, Allir pallar og fullkomlega bjartsýnir, Hvar sem er og hvenær sem er