The Modifyers is an animated short created by Chris Reccardi and Lynne Naylor intended as a pilot for Nickelodeon. The short is about Agent Xero who...
After two women poison to death the blackmailer who has been tormenting them, they wind up at the house of a blind man whose eccentric guest believes...
It's the modern day, and being Wonder Woman is complicated. Diana is leading a triple life - running a large corporation out of costume and fighting...
Comedy Lab is a British television series which showcases pilots of experimental comedy shows. Series have been aired irregularly on Channel 4 and E4...
A spin-off of the "TV Funhouse" segments on Saturday Night Live, "Saturday TV Funhouse is a dark parody of Bozo the Clown, with Robert Smigel playing...
The high-kicking, high-action exploits of Buddhist Kung-Fu law enforcement officer Terry Phoo and feisty teen-rebel turned super-hero Whitey Action,...
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