Faced with early retirement and difficulty recruiting, Stone is forced to lower his standard of acceptance. When a vicious, military-trained group of...
Third film in the 10 film series titled The New Option, it again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone...
Fourth film in the 10 film series titled The New Option. Hon tabled a proposal to establish an assault team to take over some of the functions of the...
Second film in the 10 film series titled The New Option. The slim plot once again has Stone leading a group of rag-tag group of SDU recruits (is the...
Harry Walker, a former military pilot, works as a helicopter pilot and traffic reporter for a Salt Lake City radio station. One day while working he...
Sixth film in the 10 film series titled The New Option. Hon's sister, Bibi was crushed. She phoned Hon for help. Hon beat up the crook. Unfortunately...
Ninth film in the series titled The New Option, it once again stars Michael Wong as Stone Wong, an SDU captain who's a damn man at his job. Stone is...
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