A mysterious organization is interested in fledging duelist Shobu Kirifuda's ability to bring Duel Master creatures to life. With the support of his...
Yuji Itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. One day, to save a classmate who has...
For as long as he can remember, Ichigo Kurosaki has been able to see ghosts. But when he meets Rukia, a Soul Reaper who battles evil spirits known as...
Naruto Uzumaki, a mischievous adolescent ninja, struggles as he searches for recognition and dreams of becoming the Hokage, the village's leader and...
Aichi Sendou is a timid third-year middle school student who has always lived his life looking backwards rather than forward. However, he has a card...
Rakuro Hizutome only cares about one thing: beating crappy VR games. He devotes his entire life to these buggy games and could clear them all in his...