The plane carrying wealthy Charles Morse crashes down in the Alaskan wilderness. Together with the two other passengers, photographer Robert and...
An outcast half-wolf risks his life to prevent a deadly epidemic from ravaging Nome, Alaska.
When a man is eaten alive by an unknown creature, the local Game Warden teams up with a paleontologist from New York to find the beast. Add to the...
A couple on a deep-wilderness hike become hopelessly lost within an aggressive black bear's territory.
In the early 1800s, a group of fur trappers and Indian traders are returning with their goods to civilization and are making a desperate attempt to...
A city teen travels to Montana to go hunting with his estranged father, only for the strained trip to become a battle for survival when they...
Roger Corman's post-holocaust quickie about an adolescent tribesman who dares to explore the feared "forbidden zone."
After a massacre of an Indian village by the U.S army, a survivor, Yellow shirt (Ray Danton) goes after them for revenge. His journey becomes a...
The Székely panorama has always been bearish, but recently it has become even more bearish. Even though Robi and Uncle Géza don't know...
In the late 1800s, a young girl traverses the rocky mountain wilderness to enact revenge upon the grizzly bear responsible for her father's death.
Since the opening of Glacier National Park in 1910 there never had been a reported fatal bear attack until one summer night in 1967, when grizzlies,...
Two high school friends meetup before making their way to a house party, only to get lost when they decide to take a shortcut through the forest.
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