A bucolic fantasy frolic in which an adaptable young woman must navigate a bewildering and whimsical phantasmagoria, populated by anthropomorphic and...
Inflamed by his readings of chivalric novels, Don Quixote, a knight with a sad face, accompanied by Sancho Panza, a peasant steeped in common sense,...
Readers across the world are in love with author Sally Carmichael's series of romance novels that chronicle the epic love story between a human girl...
Six months ago, Lord Hugh Disward (Huey), lost his eccentric grandfather, Wes. To inherit Wes's estate, Huey must take guardianship over the 'Mystic...
Clare, a neurotic American, moves to Glasgow and starts a book group to meet new, interesting people. But Kenny, Dirka, Rab, Fist and Janice are more...