Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore...
The story is set in the British province of New York during the French and Indian War, and concerns—in part—a Huron massacre (with...
Vivian has magic powers. She doesn't hesitate to save her boyfriend David from failing in school by murdering teachers. However, David has gotten...
When a young woman named Barbara Clarke has an affair with adventurer Roger Coverman, it causes a scandal in the Puritanical town of Salem,...
A young woman who learns that one of her ancestors had been burned at the stake as a witch decides to exact her revenge on the descendants of the...
In 1692 Salem, Ann Putnam accuses those who have angered her of witchcraft; they are tried and put to death. In 1980, Loreen Graham is on a school...
Could a nineteen-year-old girl change the course of history simply by faith? From ordinary farm girl to extraordinary hero, the life of Joan of Arc...
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