Yoshirou, a secluded teenager, brings back home a stray cat after a car accident. The next morning the cat has turned into a nice girl, Kiki, who...
Hakuoro has lost his memory after succumbing to serious injuries. But thanks to an elderly woman and her granddaughter Eruruu, he is nursed back to...
The human world is attacked by the space outlaw group the Dethgaliens who have chosen the Earth to be the site of their 100th Blood Game. One human...
Nice guy Kio’s normal life gets turned upside down when he meets a friendly, sexy cat-alien named Eris. She’s on a peaceful...
Kashou Minaduki is an aspiring chef who moves away from home to open his own confection shop. While he is unpacking in his new shop, he discovers...
Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to...
In the midst of a war between the families of Demitri Maximoff and Morrigan Aensland for control of the Demon World, alien invader Pyron arrives on...
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