An adaptation of Tong Tik-sang's now-legendary Cantonese Opera piece, the film features divas Yam Kim-fai and Pak Suet-sin (left with Yam), who play...
With China under control of a weak Emperor, two officials compete to steer the future destiny of the land. Chiu believes the people are the future of...
The story focus on Caridad and Georgina, who had learned the art of Cantonese Opera in Havana as a young age and performed as divas for over a decade...
This is the first 16mm Cantonese film in full colour, shot on 1940s state-of-the-art Technicolor film stock. Opera star Man-ha (Leung Bik-yuk) enjoys...
Peking opera performer Yu Fei was kicked out by her teacher due to a mistake. Producer Bai Fei Li is looking to cast an actress with a background in...