In the fall of his third and final year of middle school, Hajime Aono, a violin prodigy, stopped playing violin for his own personal reasons. But it...
Ganta Nakami is a high school student who suffers from insomnia. He meets Isaki Magari, a girl with the same condition. A relationship forms as they...
Kimichika Haijima was a strong junior high school volleyball team member. After getting into trouble with the team, he moved to his mother's hometown...
This is the story of a winter day. Kagamihara Nadeshiko, a female high school student who moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, rode a bicycle to see Mt....
Ayano Hanesaki, a first-year student at Kanagawa Prefectural Kitakomachi High School, has a badminton ability able to surpass others effortlessly yet...
Together with her father, who had quit his salaryman job, Toyokawa Himeno moves to Gifu prefecture's Tajimi city. That's the city where her mother is...