As Los Angeles prepares for Halloween, mask-wearing armed robbers critically wound detective James Knight’s partner in a shootout following a...
Angela is a young waitress who turns her back on society when she meets and falls in love with Pablo, a reckless criminal delinquent. Along with...
Vinayak, a suspended cop, helps a group of four men rob cricket betting money amounting to 500 crores INR. When it comes to splitting the amount,...
As thoroughly unlikeable a robber as ever walked the West, Joe nonetheless robs from the rich and gives to the poor. Not only is he a murderous,...
A former basketball player bonds with a robber and becomes attracted to a dark lifestyle.
Two would-be thieves bumble their way through a corner store robbery gone very, very wrong.
Due to a broken getaway car, three Russian jewel thieves are forced to take shelter in an empty Viennese coffee house. They knock out the waiter and...
When a heist goes fatally wrong, four men held together by hope and loyalty, struggle to decide what their next move should be. As the night...
When confronted by the Law, Butch decides to fight.
RoboCop: The Series is a 1994 television series based on the film of the same name. It stars Richard Eden as the title character. Made to appeal...
Cyborg cop Alex Murphy, with his partner Officer Anne Lewis fight to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and to reclaim...
After serious budget cuts threaten department funding veteran Sheriff Joseph J. Jenkins takes an opportunity to have his department featured on a...
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