The Pantani case, a film directed by Domenico Ciolfi, tells the story of the last five years in the life of the cyclist from Romagna, in particular...
Isamu, a star athlete in high school, becomes a race cyclist. He wins his debut races, but soon his opponents see through his lack of strategy and...
The one-off documentary tells the story of two women travelling by bike across the United States, from Canada to Mexico along the Great Divide. A...
A cyclist decides to go for everything and win the 'Tour of Chile' Race, so he can finance the medical treatment for his ill mother with the prize....
Rhythmic composition of moving photographs of cyclists in Amsterdam, ‘set’ to Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons.
This short documentary offers an account of the epic bicycle ride of seventy girls and one man from Montreal to Vancouver. Their ultimate goal is to...
It's the story of a double trip. A physical journey, the one in which the chemist Albert Hoffman really took his bicycle to go back home in the...
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