A teenage girl moves into a remote country home with her family, only to discover that the gloomy old house has a horrifying past that threatens to...
The horrors of World War I have robbed returning veteran Chris Baldry of his memory. The traumatized soldier doesn't even recognize his own wife,...
Set right before the fall of Thailand's old capital, Ayuttaya, Bang Rajan draws on the legend of a village of fighters who bravely fended off the...
Mourning her mother’s death and struggling to adjust to her new life in Israel, a young girl bonds with the lonely spirit of a Palestinian...
A group of scouts stumble onto a cache of stolen weapons hidden in a forest. They meet up with a girl and get involved with the men who originally...
Feed Me is a story about a young family in a suburban area in Southern California. The father, Jason (Cameron Graham), is an ambitious executive who...
Another short, grainy film from the Quay Brothers. This one has funny singing in it.
At the end of times a dysfunctional family takes a retreat into the woods to rekindle their bonds, only to discover a dark truth that lies within.
It is the 30th millennium. Humanity is caught in the midst of a fratricidal war between those of the meta-human Space Marines who are loyal to the...
A documentary exploring a crime that shocked Germany in the summer of 1999.
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