Mark Hunter, a lonely high school student, uses his shortwave radio to moonlight as the popular pirate DJ "Hard Harry." When his show gets blamed for...
Paul, a teenager in the underground scene of early-nineties Paris, forms a DJ collective with his friends and together they plunge into the nightlife...
After an accidental drug overdose, a talented teenage DJ goes to live with his estranged father in a small Army town, where he gets to the bottom of...
It's Friday and everyone is going to the hot new disco. The Commodores are scheduled to play if Floyd shows up with the instruments and Nicole dreams...
Rinku Aimoto, who has a habit of saying "Happy Around!", has returned to Japan from abroad and enrolls at Yoba Academy where DJing is popular. She is...
Agetarou works at his family's tonkatsu restaurant in Shibuya, but he's not very excited by the work. One day, he takes a delivery to the staff of a...
Self-taught composer, turntable prodigy, and visionary producer, DJ Mehdi was the only French artist to bridge the gap between two seemingly opposing...
Armin van Buuren has been a DJ for twenty years now, so he's got every reason to throw a party. On the 12th and 13th of May (2017) he will be giving...