A bizarre black comedy about a man whose overwhelming ambition in life is to be a renowned serial killer of women, and will stop at nothing to...
In the outwardly respectable New England community of Peyton Place, shopkeeper Constance McKenzie tries to make up for a past indiscretion -- which...
Jake is a quiet, sensitive middle schooler with dreams of being an artist. He meets the affably brash Tony at his grandfather's funeral, and the...
Two struggling brothers start a money lending business, facing fierce opposition from rival Ah Longs. They must save a tailor from a ruthless enemy...
A Martian teenager sent to prepare for an invasion falls in love with an Earth girl.
Penniless man-about-town Michael Gore-Brown is delighted to hear he has been left a high-class Mayfair fashion salon. His intention is to sell it as...
Musical about dingaling millionaire businessman Cedric Ames and his various employees
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