The film is set in mid-16th century, at a time when the entire eastern Mediterranean is dominated by two great empires, the Ottoman Empire and the...
In this sequel to the award-winning You’ve Been Trumped, director Anthony Baxter once again follows American billionaire Donald Trump and a...
The story of unfortunate lovers from contemporary Belgrade, a young woman married for money, and a student whom she loved before marriage. Juvenile...
Documentary about The Armed Boats Squadron Dubrovnik, a volunteer unit of the Croatian Navy that ran the naval blockade during the siege of Dubrovnik...
A fascinating story about Festivity of Saint Blaise, the patron of Dubrovnik, which is also celebrated in Goa, India.
Documentary about the second-oldest radio station in Croatia, established in 1942.
The series covers the ins and outs of the long, unusual history of the once autonomous Dubrovnik Republic.
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