After Portland homicide detective Nick Burkhardt discovers he's descended from an elite line of criminal profilers known as "Grimms," he increasingly...
Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. With only his friend Koyuki believing in his dreams,...
The telenovella 'Milo' is a modern musical fairy tale. The series tells the story of Milo, a very talented baker's daughter with a golden voice, who...
This modern fairy tale tells the story of a homeless girl who dreams of helping out her family and finds her big chance of turning her life around in...
Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics is a Japanese animated anthology series by Nippon Animation. The episodes are adaptations of a variety of folk and fairy...
Mokku of the Oak Tree, also known as Mokku Woody the Oak Tree, or Saban's Adventures of Pinocchio in the United States, is a 52 episode anime series...