SORROWFUL CORDOBA: A story set in Cordoba and Madrid, Spain. Elio is a star matador, and is also engaged to his teacher Navarro's cheerful and sweet...
Takarazuka Flower Troupe 2014 Chunichi Theater production. In 1770, Princess Marie-Antoinette of the House of Hapsburg, youngest daughter of Empress...
Set on the fictional Mediterranean island of Callista on the eve of the outbreak of the French Revolution, the play depicts the struggles of a young...
Takarazuka Flower Troupe 2001 performance. In the sixteenth century, at the Villa Medici in Rome, the nobles, ecclesiastics and artists invited to a...
Chuushingura is based on a true story from the Genroku era, and has been retold in all kinds of fiction. In this interpretation, this tale, which has...