A man trapped in an automated prison must outsmart a computer in order to escape and try and find his way back to the outside world that may already...
"Mechazoic" is an emotionally driven story that revolves around self-love and forgiveness, following the journey of a mech pilot, Mia, grappling with...
Under a dictatorship that has banned music, a man hides a record until he is caught. Whilst paying for his crimes he stumbles across a repository of...
In the near future, Vivy, a diva-type A.I., went up on stage each day with hopes of putting her heart into her song. One day, the A.I. Matsumoto, who...
The year is 2062. Earth has been left in ruin after the failure of a labor automation project when the AI called Artemis waged war against humanity....
When a project to build a thousand flats in Oslo is put out to tender, architect Julie has an idea: why not convert empty underground car parks into...
In the tech world of 2029, rivals Ye Tian, president of Azure Group, and augmented reality expert Bai Wei find themselves unexpectedly united when Ye...