In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The...
In the twenty years since the fall of Camelot, Merlin has become a recluse known as "the wild man of the woods." He is now summoned by a charge of...
A woman is courted by a giant snake. The baby born from their love has hair made of small snakes. Local villagers disdain the mother and her...
Porky is reading the Greek myth of the gorgon, who turned everyone she looked at into stone. Mother tells him it's bedtime; he dreams of being...
Angered by the constant bad luck that has befallen her family, the Snake Girl decides that enough is enough and uses her curse to take revenge on her...
Plot under wraps, based on the Greek mythology Medusa.
Kwan discovers her husband is married to another woman plus has a child with her. In retaliation she becomes romantically involved with a deadly...
Mek, Sooraya the Snake Haired Girl’s son, falls into a love triangle against his step brother Sok to win the heart of Chan, the daughter of a...
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