This pioneering documentary film depicts the lives of the indigenous Inuit people of Canada's northern Quebec region. Although the production...
A serial killer named The Shark is terrorizing London by killing his victims with a speargun and then, dressed in a scruba-diver's wetsuit, using the...
An Eskimo who has had little contact with white men goes to a trading post where he accidentally kills a missionary and finds himself being pursued...
Herman Melville's mad Capt. Ahab (John Barrymore) spends years hunting the white whale that got his leg.
Wile E. Coyote uses a bottle full of bees, a brick wall, a boulder in a catapult, and a harpoon gun in his attempts to catch the Road Runner.
One day in the lives of an average Greenlandic family, which happens to be of great importance for 8-year old Kali - he's about to catch his first...
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