While serving as a juror in a high profile murder trial, family man Justin Kemp finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma…one he...
When jobless Tommy Collins discovers that sequestered jurors earn free room and board as well as $5-a-day, he gets himself assigned to a jury in a...
Romance at a murder trial with a pair of sequestered jurors who are the only ones who think that the woman in the dock is innocent. Separated from...
A juror on a murder trial begins to believe that the man charged with the crime is innocent — and that the real killer is her own husband.
A courtroom in Milan is filled with people brought together by random selection. Long interviews lie ahead. Based on the interviews, some of them...
Gildersleeve has jury duty.
The inner workings of an American jury trial through the eyes of one particular juror, Ronald Gladden. Gladden is unaware the entire case is fake,...
As they return to normal life, four very different Australians who have just finished jury duty on a high-profile murder trial begin to question...
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