This short documentary examines an innovative educational program developed by John and Gerti Murdoch to teach Cree children their language via Cree...
A Carefree Artist confronts The Pioneer of Odia literature Byaasakabi Fakir Mohan, to lament about the current state of the Odia Language and how it...
The Cherokee language is deeply tied to Cherokee identity; yet generations of assimilation efforts by the U.S. government and anti-Indigenous stigmas...
Borrowing from an anthropological study initiated through the University of California in 1969, The Taste of The Name is a fantasia on universality....
How is our dialect faring in the globalized age? When the "railroad age" began 160 years ago, Switzerland feared that High German would supplant the...
Georgios Babiniotis, professor of linguistics at the University of Athens, explains and comments on words and common linguistic mistakes, helping us...
Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish, also known simply as Destinos, is an educational television program created by Bill VanPatten, who was, at the...