Aymé Pigrenet, a recently widowed farmer, is eager to find a new wife to help him run his farm. Desperate, he seeks the aid of a local...
George finished his studies and returned to Greece and his father, Anthony Delistavrou, assigned to the plant in order himself to live his life. He...
Treyvon has everything, well almost everything. He's got the fast car, good city job, model looks - even a good sense of humor, and yep - a body to...
A troubled man turns himself in, believing he's harmed others but is at war with himself over the facts surrounding his quest for clarity and a brush...
A Portland taxi dancer is a suspect in a series of murders involving her former customers.
The wealthy man Tobias Knopp becomes ever more lonely and quirky over the years. He had let himself go, his girth increased significantly, and his...
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